Become a Member

Want to join the church? Get started here!

What is church membership?

While church membership has its perks for the individual (i.e. voting for church leaders or being eligible to be one), the bigger reason for placing membership is for the health of the church itself. This is how you officially "report for duty" in a specific church and let people know your intention to be a part of things. The apostle Paul says that the church is Christ's body and we are individually members of it. Placing membership is showing up and allowing your whole person (gifts, personality, etc.) to serve the betterment of the other members and the overall church body.

If you are interested in becoming a member of Ninth Street, fill out the form at the bottom of the page!

KNOW Lunch

If you are new around here and haven't already been to a KNOW Lunch, this is a great place to start. You will find out a little about the church and have a chance to meet some of our staff and other new people.


If you've been to the KNOW Lunch, you would have received a copy of our statement of beliefs. If not (or if you lost the paper), that's okay! You can check out our "Beliefs" page below. We would ask that you would make yourself familiar with these ideas prior to placing membership and that if you have questions, please feel free to ask them!


As a Christian and a member of Ninth Street, we would expect you to be serving. This doesn't have to be done exclusively at church, in fact, even if you are serving at church it is vital that you are serving Christ outside of the church building as well. If you would like to serve at church but don't know where to start, you can click the card below!


In all of the areas of the life of a Christian, there is one theme that is necessary to be found in all of them: Growth. As has been said by many "if you aren't growing, you're dying." We want our people to be pursuing growth (LIFE!) in Christ. This can be done in many ways, but one of them is through joining a life group! Find out more by clicking below!

Fill out this form to start the membership conversation!